I hate small talk.
I’ve spent way too much of my life working with the general public to have to smilingly torture myself with ‘weather’ talk anymore. Guaranteed, if you’re standing there in front of me commenting on how ‘we just can’t trust the weather nowadays’ I’ve zoned out and am thinking about if given the choice, how you’d choose to kill every last person around us…uzi or machete, madam?
I crave relatability, the sharing of bad experiences, vulnerabilities, weaknesses, the things that make us human. I’m that person that you invite over for a dinner party and I end up excusing myself to the toilet to peep into your bathroom cupboard because you just seem ‘too perfect’. Your house is tidy, your clothes aren’t creased, you love your job and your life…what’s wrong with you!? I know your favourite wine is a 2005 Châteauneuf-du-Pape but what I want to know is the sh*t that keeps you up at night; the stuff that has you reaching for that Châteauneuf-du-Pape a litttttle bit too often.
I see the things that others don’t - the things they don’t want us to see. I see those things within myself and choose to express them through my work. Unashamedly. Unabashed.
My work explores personal space and spaces; the intimate corners of our environments that communicate who we really are deep down. What our dirtiest or Most sordid secrets are. What makes us so human. So flawed. So fascinating.I’m interested in the people who live their lives with an air of unruffled, uncluttered, unfeeling perfection. I want to see what really goes on in your brain, the things that you’re too scared to admit. Work a high powered corporate but have a dungeon in your basement? Cool. A calm, collected and wealthy stay at home mother of 5 with a drug habit and a gambling addiction? I want to hear your story.
I watch and listen to true crime stories to fall asleep at night. People think I’m weird for that. But really, I’m fascinated in how people evolve or devolve psychologically. What has happened to them to get them to this point? Nature or nurture? Was it a choice or an instinct? Let’s look a little deeper.
We both know, when we’re 100% ourselves, without fear of judgement, persecution or backlash, it’s utterly beautiful and only helps us to connect. That’s what I want.
Let your freak flags fly, people. Let’s talk.
Abi Trotman, otherwise known as Tobacco & Regrets, is a full time professional artist and miniaturist based in South Wales, UK.
She uses miniatures as a way to celebrate life and all its quirks and intricacies.
Abi creates and sells miniature fine art scenes, dioramas, and OOAK 1/12th scale dolls-house furniture and accessories throughout the UK, Europe and US at prestigious shows such as Kensington Dollshouse Festival, Tom Bishop Chicago International and Miniatura UK.
She is available for private commissions.